Development of market launching strategy for medical products

Devel­op­ment of market launching strategy for medical products

Detailed elaboration of the strategy for bringing medical products to the market is the key to successful registration of a medicinal product.
According to the legislative acts adopted in the Russian Federation, only drugs registered for appropriate use on the territory of our country are subject to medical use. In accordance with Federal Law No. 61-FZ of 12.04.2010 «On Circulation of Medicines», state registration is subject to:

  • all medicines to be put into circulation for the first time in the Russian Federation;
  • medicines registered earlier, but produced in other dosage forms in accordance with the list of names of dosage forms, in a new dosage with proof of its clinical significance and effectiveness;
  • new combinations of previously registered medicines.

We carefully work out the necessary research plan to bring the drug to the selected markets, consult with specialists if necessary and promptly respond to requests from the Ministry of Health.

  1. Evaluation of the drug role in the modern clinical practice

  2. Establishment of the direction of drug usage in various nosologies

  3. Analysis of the drug «niche» in the pharmaceutical market

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Is an independent contract research organization successfully implementing preparation for and carrying out of clinical trials of all phases within the territory of Russia and EAEU countries.

We employ more than 30 people, including 6 PhD degree holders. All employees involved in trials have a university degree in medicine or pharmacy, GCP/GLP certificates, and broad experience of participating in clinical trials.

The company successfully cooperates with the centers of the Russian Federation for preclinical research that meet all modern requirements, localized in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yaroslavl."

Own highly specialized licensed software that meets E2B ICH standards and regulatory requirements of the Russian Federation, EAEU and CIS
Compliant with E2B ICH standards and regulatory requirements of the Russian Federation, the EAEU and the CIS
Fruitful cooperation with Roszdravnadzor in the field of drug safety monitoring
Performing the function of collecting and processing spontaneous messages
An effective document management system
Completeness, accuracy, data integrity, an organized set of measures to ensure the security of information storage and its confidentiality
2,000+ analyzed cases of adverse reactions
Formed own database of 300+ drugs
Timely informing the customer and regulators


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